In support of the Ashland Emergency Food Bank, we want to share with you an opportunity to participate in the upcoming Stamp Out Hunger event here in our community.
What: National Letter Carriers “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive
When: Saturday, May 13th
Where: Right here at home!
How: On Saturday, May 13th, place a few cans or boxes of food in your mailbox, or a bag of groceries by your mailbox, and the postal person will pick it up. They will bring back collected items to the post office on their mail truck where AEFB volunteers and staff will receive the donations, bringing food directly to the food bank from there.
Learn more about the National Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive here.
AEFB is currently distributing almost 2,000lbs of food per day directly to those coming to the Food Bank in need. Since the SNAP benefits reduction at the start of March, the Food Bank has seen more than a 40% increase in demand.
Most needed items:
- Cereal
- Broth (Beef/Chicken/Veggie)
- Chili (beef/turkey/vegetarian)
- Pork & Beans
- Canned Chicken
- Non-dairy Milks (Almond or rice)
To learn more about this event, call the Ashland Emergency Food Bank, 541-488-9544. Please feel free to share this message with others.